“Roast and Serve” Butter Bean, Courgette & Feta Salad

Roasting vegetables for salads really intensifies the flavours. Sweet and bitter notes added with salty feta and sour lemon juice make this a really tasty salad.

Summer is all about gathering friends and family and sharing good food. This salad is perfect for a BBQ, a gathering or a picnic. Not to mention a healthy its also a healthy plate of food with organic vegetables, gut friendly beans and protein packed nuts and cheese.

We really hope you try it this summer.

Lou x


  • 1 courgette- sliced into 2 cm cubes
  • 1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced into cubes
  • 1 red onion, sliced into wedges
  • 1 tin butter beans, drained 240g
  • 1.5 tablespoon cajun spice (or a teaspoon each of paprika, chilli, cumin, coriander mixed)
  • 100g feta cheese
  • a handful of leaves, spinach, rocket or similar
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Step 1: Preheat the oven 200ºC fan. Line a large baking tray with parchment paper. Put the courgette, red peppers, red onion, butter beans on the tray. Generously cover in the cajun spice. Drizzle with salt, pepper and oil, shake or rub to coat everything. Roast in the oven for 30 minutes, checking half way through.
  • Step 2: Put the pecans on a separate tray and toast in the oven, along with the veg, for about 5- 10 minutes, check half way through- they may need more or less time.
  • Step 3: Let the veg cool for 20 minutes then crumble over the feta and top with the green leaves, sprinkle with pecans, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice, gently mix everything. Lift the parchment paper and tip into a serving dish.
  • Enjoy!

“Roast and Serve Salad” – Sweet Potato & Halloumi

This is such a great way to make and serve salad this summer. Your choice of roast veggies, chickpeas, halloumi and seeds on a tray then on the same tray toss through green leaves and dressing and serve into a big salad bowl! I think these roast and serve salads will be very popular this summer.

You can roast up any root veg you have in your veg box, parsnip, carrot, beets, even potatoes, cauliflower or broccoli, add some cheese if you wish and a delicious dressing to finish.

Will you try it? Let us know.

Lou x


  • 1 large or 3 small sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 1 yellow bell pepper, washed and diced
  • 1 red onion, peeled and diced
  • 1 x 400g tin chickpeas, drained
  • salt, pepper, oil
  • 1 pack halloumi (225g), diced
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds (70g)
  • 50g spinach/rocket or lettuce leaves

For the dressing

  • juice 1/2 orange
  • juice 1/2 lemon
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 heaped teaspoon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup
  • small pinch salt


  • Step 1: Preheat the oven 180ºC fan. Line a large baking tray with parchment paper. Put the sweet potato, chickpeas, red onion and diced pepper on the tray. Drizzle with salt, pepper and oil, shake or rub to coat everything. Roast in the oven for 20 minutes, checking half way through. After this time add the diced halloumi and roast for a further 15-20 minutes.
  • Step 2: Put the pumpkin seeds on a separate tray and toast in the oven, along with the veg, for about 10 minutes, check half way through- they may need more or less time.
  • Step 3:Make the dressing, add all the ingredients except the oil to a bowl, whisk well, then slowly pour the oil in while whisking to emulsify the dressing. Taste it and adjust if needed.
  • Step 4: Let the veg cool for 20 minutes then top with the green leaves, pour over the dressing, gently toss together. Lift the parchment paper and tip into a serving dish.
  • Enjoy!

Recipe Roundup – Beetroot

Deep red and full of goodness – the super versatile beetroot is amazing! Eat it raw, steamed, roasted… or make a brownie with it!

Click on the bold to go directly to the recipe.


Spicy Chickpea and Raw Veg Salad

The best salads are those that have a combination of textures and flavours that pop in your mouth with every fork full. This salad was inspired by the veg in my rescue box and a tin of chickpeas in the cupboard. And I remembered to pluck some mint from the garden for a hint of minty freshness to finish.

We have shared recipes for roasted chickpeas numerous times. They are so quick and easy to make and they add excitement to the plate too.

So roast and toast some chickpeas with spice in the air fryer or oven, whiz up a garlicky dressing and chop your favourite raw veggies and add juicy tomatoes for sweetness and colour.

Just lovely.

Lou 🙂

Ingredients: makes 2 big salads

  • 1/2 cup quinoa
  • For the spicy chickpeas:
  • 1 tin of chickpeas, drained use the chickpea liquid for aquafaba
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of mixed chilli spice – like harissa or cajun spice, or a mix of cumin, chilli & paprika
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • For the dressing:
  • 1/2 cup olive oil, or rapeseed oil
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • lemon juice from 1/2 lemon
  • dash of maple syrup
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • For the raw veggies:
  • 200g cherry tomatoes (approx 18)
  • 1 stick celery
  • 1 small bulb of fennel
  • 1/2 head broccoli
  • Small bunch of mint leaves to serve, baby leaves or finely chopped


Step 1 – Roast the chickpeas, add the drained chickpeas to the airf ryer basket, sprinkle over some mixed chilli spice – like harissa or cajun spice, or a mix of cumin, chilli & paprika. Season with salt and pepper, drizzle with oil and Air fry 200ºC for 12 minutes. Or roast in the oven on a baking tray 200ºC for 20 minutes.

Step 2: Cook the quinoa in a small pot, add 1/2 cup of quinoa to 1 cup of boiling water simmer until cooked about 10 minutes, then strain.

Step 3: Make the dressing, to a small food processor add the oil, lemon juice, crushed garlic, maple, plus a small pinch of salt and pepper. Whiz until combined, pour into a jug.

Step 4: Quarter the cherry tomatoes and chop the fennel, celery and broccoli. I like mine finely chopped.

Step 5: Build the salad by adding each component to a salad bowl, drizzle over the dressing and mix. Scatter on some mint leaves, serve and enjoy.

Beetroot & Carrot Salad with Dukka

This fresh, sweet salad is the perfect vehicle for my favourite crunchy condiment, dukka. Dukka is an Egyptian dip/sprinkle made with toasted nuts, sesame seeds and spices. It is absolutely stunning – earthy, nutty, warmly spiced with the most intoxicating fragrance. Use it the traditional way as a dry dip (dunk bread in olive oil then into the dukka and devour) or as a crunchy topping for endless salads, soups, stews… you’ll find any excuse to use it once you have a jar in your pantry. Beetroots are in season now and perhaps eating them raw is the most delicious way? Let me know your favourite beetroot recipes in the comments.

Liz x


For the dukka:

  • 250g mixed nuts (or use just the traditional hazelnuts)
  • 4 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 2 tbsp fennel seeds
  • 2 tbsp cumin seeds
  • 2 tbsp coriander seeds
  • optional tsp of salt

For the salad:

  • 3 carrots, julienned
  • 3 beetroot, julienned
  • a large handful of chopped parsley
  • the juice of half a lemon
  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • a very small clove of garlic, crushed or finely grated
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. To make the dukka, toast the nuts in a dry, hot frying pan until they start to take on some colour. Stir often whilst toasting to avoid burning any. Allow the nuts to cool a little before tipping them into a food processor. Pulse to roughly chop the nuts before adding the other smaller ingredients.
  2. Toast the sesame seeds, fennel, coriander and cumin in the dry, hot frying pan next. They will start to pop and smell incredible. Tip them in with the nuts and pulse the processor again until you have a fairly uniform, crumbly mixture. Careful not to over-process, you want crunch and texture, not powder. You can add salt at this stage if you like too.
  3. Allow the dukka to completely cool before storing in a clean jar. Use within one month for optimum freshness and flavour.
  4. To make the salad, add the julienned carrots and beetroot to a salad bowl along with the chopped parsley. Mix the lemon juice, olive oil, garlic and seasoning and pour over the salad. Toss well and just before serving, sprinkle over the dukka. We ate it alongside a parsnip pilaf (next recipe) and some natural yoghurt.

Kale & Apple Salad

This simple winter salad is so so delicious. We have it as a side to pretty much every meal at the moment. Sometimes topped with toasted seeds too. Don’t throw out the kale stalks! You can finely slice them and pop in a box in the freezer to take out in handfuls whenever you need some greens (or purples!) in your next stir fry, smoothie or stew. We have lots of delicious purple and green kale coming out of the fields so add some extras to your next order and try this quick salad.

Liz x


  • 1 apple
  • 6 kale leaves (3 green, 3 purple)
  • the juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • a pinch of flaky sea salt
  • 1 tbsp cold pressed rapeseed oil or extra virgin olive oil


  1. Core and finely slice the apple. Place in a salad bowl and mix with 1/2 the lemon juice to stop it from going brown.
  2. Rinse the kale leaves and shake dry. Then remove the leaves from their tougher central stalk. (Finely chop the stalks and pop into a freezer box to use in a different recipe.) Gather the leaves and finely slice with a large, sharp knife.
  3. Mix the leaves into the salad bowl with the salt, oil, apples and lemon juice. Taste and add the remaining lemon juice if needed. Enjoy right away or store the fridge for up to a day.

Warm Rainbow Salad

A warm salad for those chilly last summer days. Any leftovers can be packed up for lunch the next day too. We love adding beans or lentils to as many meals as we can. Pulses are affordable, nutrient-rich powerhouses and the crops are very planet friendly too. A win, win, win! Do you include lots of pulses in your diet?

Get a rainbow of vegetables delivered plastic free to your door here!

Liz x

Ingredients (serves 2 as a big lunch or 4 as sides)

For the roasted roots:

  • 3 beetroot, scrubbed & chopped into bites
  • 2 carrots, scrubbed and chopped into bites
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp fennel seeds (or use caraway, cumin or any herb/spice you prefer)
  • 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp honey/maple syrup
  • salt and pepper to taste

For the sautéd chard:

  • 7 or 8 large rainbow chard leaves
  • 3 cloves of garlic, peeled and sliced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

To serve:

  • 1 tin green lentils, warmed and drained
  • 1 heaped tbsp wholegrain mustard


  1. Turn your oven on to 200C and find a deep baking dish.
  2. Tumble your chopped carrots and beetroot into the baking dish. Add the olive oil, vinegar, fennel seeds, honey, salt and pepper and mix well. Place the dish in the oven to roast for 20 minutes or so until just tender.
  3. While the roots are roasting, prepare the chard. Use a knife to separate the stalks from the greens. Cut the colourful stalks into bite sized pieces and place in a frying pan with the chopped garlic, oil, slat and pepper. Sauté for a few minutes until tender. The roughly chop the greens and add to the pan with a small splash of water. Stir for a few minutes to steam-fry and wilt the greens.
  4. When the roasted roots are cooked to your liking, remove the dish from the oven and stir in the mustard, lentils and chard. Serve warm or cold.

Raw Noodle Salad with Peanut Dressing

This salad is SO delicious and a brilliant way to make the most of seasonal courgettes. It’s fresh and crunchy, with different colours, textures and flavours all drenched in the most moreish nutty sauce. Eat it as it is topped with salted peanuts, herbs and chillies for the best summer lunch. It makes a great packed lunch too.

Liz x

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 1 courgette, spiralised
  • 1 carrot, grated
  • 1/2 a red pepper, thinly sliced
  • 1/8 of a red cabbage, thinly sliced
  • 1 scallion, thinly sliced
  • 1 red chilli, thinly sliced
  • a handful of fresh herbs (coriander and mint go well here)
  • a couple of handfuls of salted peanuts

For the dressing:

  • 3 heaped tbsp of peanut butter
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 1 thumb of fresh ginger, finely grated
  • 1 clove of garlic, crushed
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp toasted sesame oil
  • a few splashes of cold water


  1. Start by preparing the vegetables and pilling them up in a large salad bowl or in serving bowls or lunch boxes.
  2. Make the dressing by mixing the ingredients together in a bowl or jug, loosen the dressing with small splashes of cold water and keep mixing until you get a smooth, pourable sauce.
  3. Drizzle the sauce over the vegetables and top with chilli slices, fresh herb and salted peanuts. Enjoy right away. If you want to serve it later, keep the vegetables and dressing separate in the fridge until you are ready to serve.

Courgette, Feta & Dill Fritters

Fritters are a fab summer lunch with salads and a great way to use up a glut of vegetables. Courgettes are having their ‘glut moment’ on the farm right now, so here’s a delicious courgette fritter recipe for you to try if you get a lot of courgettes in your box and you’re stuck for ideas.

I usually make a gram flour (chickpea flour) batter of just gram flour, water and seasoning, and then stir in shredded/finely chopped veg to make fritters, but I didn’t have any gram flour so here’s a wheat and corn flour variety which works well too! Fritters are fairly forgiving, just use whatever flour you have in. Courgettes are quite watery vegetables, so I like to grate and salt them, then after the salt has drawn the liquid out, mix in enough flour to make a fairly thick batter. No need to add any other liquid or you’ll end up with soggy rather than crisp fritters!

Liz x

Ingredients (makes 6-8 fritters)

  • 1 large or 2 small courgettes
  • a large pinch of salt (about 1/2 a tsp or to taste)
  • black pepper to taste
  • a big handful of chopped dill or fennel fronds (or any herbs you like – mint or parsley work well)
  • a block of feta, crumbled (or make my tofu feta recipe here)
  • 4 tbsp plain flour (or more/less – see method)
  • 4 tbsp cornflour/cornstarch (or more/less – see method)
  • olive oil for frying
  • lemon wedges, salad & tzatziki to serve


  1. Start by grating your courgettes into a large mixing bowl. Use the course side of the grater.
  2. Sprinkle over the pinch of salt and pepper and mix well. Then taste and decide if you’d like to add more. The courgettes should just taste pleasantly seasoned.
  3. Give the salt time to draw the liquid out of the courgettes and use this time to prepare some salads and make a tzatziki (simply mix grated cucumber through thick yoghurt, season with salt, pepper and a little crushed garlic, stir well and add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and fresh dill or mint).
  4. Once the courgettes are wet, this only takes 10 minutes or less, you can start adding the flour. I like to use an even mix of cornflour and plain flour. The corn flour makes the fritters a little crispier.
  5. Add one heaped tbsp of each flour to the wet courgettes then stir the mixture. Keep adding more of both flours and stirring until you have a thick fritter batter. If your courgette is very watery you’ll need more flour, if it’s drier you’ll need less.
  6. Then stir through the herbs and crumbled feta and warm up a frying pan to medium with a generous slick of olive oil in the bottom of the pan.
  7. Fry spoons of the mixture in small batches in the pan. Turn over after 3-5 minutes, once golden brown and crispy underneath and fry the other side for a further 3-5 minutes.
  8. Keep the heat at medium, don’t be tempted to turn it to high or you may get fritters which are burned on the outside and raw and doughy in the middle.
  9. Serve with salads and tzatziki for a lovely lunch. The fritters are delicious eaten hot with a squeeze of lemon. Or pop the fritters into a burger bun or sandwich as a summery veggie burger or sandwich filler alternative.

Raw Courgette & Hazelnut Salad

We are in the midst of a classic courgette glut on the farm. Next week we’ll add some free courgettes to all the boxes, we hope you enjoy them. Expect lots of courgette recipes to come your way. We’d love to know your favourite courgette recipes too please! Let us know in the comments or over on our community Facebook group. I’ll start us off with this super simple salad. It’s so easy to make (just a matter of combining raw courgettes with a lemony dressing, then scattering over some toasted hazelnuts) and oh SO delicious! I have this salad often this time of year as a side to pretty much any meal, or it’s brilliant stirred through freshly boiled pasta or bulked out with a drained tin of lentils.

Liz x


  • Courgettes (2 small or 1 large)
  • 2-3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • the juice of half a small lemon (have you tried our new season verdelli lemons?)
  • 1 small garlic clove, crushed
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • a handful or two of hazelnuts, toasted in a dry pan then roughly chopped


  1. Using a potato peeler, slice the courgettes into delicate, thin ribbons. For ease, slice them directly over a serving platter or large salad bowl.
  2. Make the dressing by stirring together the olive oil, lemon juice and crushed garlic with a pinch of salt and pepper.
  3. Drizzle the dressing over the courgette ribbons. You could toss the salad now to evenly coat the ribbons with the dressing, or just leave it drizzly.
  4. Then toast the hazelnuts in a dry frying pan until nicely coloured. Tip them onto a board and carefully chop them up a bit to make them go further through the salad.
  5. Scatter them over the dressed ribbons and finish the salad with a little sprinkle of flakey sea salt. We LOVE Achill Island sea salt for exactly this type of dish.
  6. Enjoy as is as part of a salad buffet or alongside a BBQ. Or make it a light, refreshing meal by tossing through some freshly boiled pasta or a drained tin of cooked green lentils.