Summer Strawberry Pots

Strawberry season is just the best in Ireland. There’s the smell of fresh cut grass in the air and the gentle hum of bumble bees busy and all the kids are out on their bikes making the most of the summer days. On warm days all everyone wants is cool fuss free snacks just like this one. They can be eaten out on the step so there isn’t a minute of fun to be missed!

We are treating these special Irish strawberries simply with sugar and lemon to draw out the delicious vibrant red syrup. Strawberries love vanilla so add a hint to the creamy base.

The window is short for our organic strawberries this year so get them while you can.

Lou 🙂

Ingredients: makes 2 pots

  • 10 ripe strawberries
  • 1 heaped teaspoon icing sugar
  • juice 1/2 lemon
  • 150g ricotta cheese
  • 100g greek/plain yoghurt
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • mint to garnish- baby leaves, finely chop them if they are big


  • Step 1: Finely slice the strawberries and add them to a bowl, sprinkle over the icing sugar and squeeze the lemon juice, mix with a spoon, leave to macerate for 10 minutes.
  • Macerating means that the sugar draws the juice, to make a syrup, from the strawberries while adding sweetness and flavour from the lemon.
  • Step 2: In a separate mixing bowl add the ricotta, yoghurt, honey and vanilla, mix well. Spoon this into the 2 glasses.
  • Step 3: Top with the macerated strawberries and top with torn or baby mint leaves.

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